INTERMUNDIA is out now via XXIM Records/Sony Music. 

It tells of eight places of silence and introspection where the veil between this world and the other is thin. My eight places of refuge where I see beyond things the spirit that shapes them. I wanted this album to be filled with the sense of wonder and ecstasy we feel at the beauty around us: beauty is a “thing”, it is material, but we see the ideal that has been embodied within and taken physical form. We are physical forms of an ideal, we are embodied with a spirit and therefore it is essential to rediscover and take care of our spiritual nature which is our most precious part.

FRATER is inspired by the Covent of San Francesco in Venarotta, a monastery, much-desired by St. Francis when he visited the areas of Ascoli. A place of recollection, dialogue and brotherhood where I have the opportunity to devote time to the perception of my spiritual side, the most precious side we have.

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Hi there! Here it’s Olivia and I thank you for taking the time to visit my little room on the web. I love writing piano songs to share with you inspiring stories and to talk to you through them: music is a two-way street between the listener and the artist. Here you can find all about the path I have been taking and something about where I am heading. Join my newsletter to be the first to know the latest news.